
Manta Pacific Research Foundation

Maui Manta Ray Identification Project
Female Thumbnails
Male Thumbnails
Unknown Thumbnails

image by Matt Hudson 2016/12/09
Prev: 110 Next: 114
Number: 111
Name: Manitou Ray
Sex: Unknown
Current Size: ~6'
Last Sighting: December 9, 2016
First Size: ~6'
Date of First Sighting: December 9, 2016
Sighted By: Matt Hudson
Location ID'ed: White Rock Beach

Comments: I encountered this manta ray while kayaking in south Maui on December 9th 2016. It appeared to be about 6 feet across from wing tip to wing tip and was lingering at the surface for some time. I got some pictures of it and emailed them to the Manta Pacific Research Foundation. When they said it was the first time they had seen it and I got to name it, I decided to let my niece and nephews name it for Christmas. They were ecstatic and came up with the name Manitou Ray after an area in Colorado they live near. Merry Christmas Jack, Ella, and Ian! Love y'all!