
Manta Pacific Research Foundation

Maui Manta Ray Identification Project
Female Thumbnails
Male Thumbnails
Unknown Thumbnails

The Beater
image by Dylan Matheson 2007/01/16
Prev: 82 Next: 87
Number: 85
Name: The Beater
Sex: Male
Current Size: Unknown
Last Sighting: Unknown
First Size: ~8'
Date of First Sighting: January 16, 2007
Sighted By: Dylan Matheson
Location ID'ed: Ukumehame

The BeaterComments: It's no surprise why this male is called "The Beater". He is relatively beat-up! His left cephalic fin is diabled, he is missing his right clasper, he has a noticeable shark bite on his left shoulder, and scaring on his right wing tip.